Sunday, October 14, 2007

what a Lebaran I had

I went through rush and busy time these last 5 days. Just imagine, with no maid, fevered children, Lebaran days, not-in-good-condition brother, no hubby by my side, so many guests (to be precised is too many)... It's a bit surprising to know myself hasn't broken apart.

This is a cheerful Lebaran though. Unpredictably some of our relatives came to visit us. Bu Mus and Om Timan, Pak Nung's twin daughter and the mommy, Wawan and Indra, Om Toro n the gank, Om Ndut n May, Budhe Tari and the big family, Mas Heru n Mbak Dinda also the kiddos, Budhe Kus, Mbah Cilik, and some relatives that I don't really know who they are (and I bet they don't know me either).

Considering my age, that number of visitor is quite abundant.

In matter of fact, I and the boys planned to visit some relatives of mine from the old time, today. I was thinking of some names: Madamme Demangan, Sendowo D-68, Mb Nusye. But after big shock I got from sudden visit of a big group of those names I mentioned above, I don't think I still have enough energy to do so. Let's just see....

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