Thursday, March 27, 2008

Weird facts about Kuwait

Well, don't mistaken my words. They're not weird in negative way. It's just because I don't used to see them and it's a bit strange for me. Got infos about these facts from The British Ladies Society, who released a handy welcome bulletin for newcomer in Kuwait. Here they are.

The water in cold water roof-top tank will actually quite hot in the summertime. If you switched off your hot water tank (which sits inside, out of the sun) you can use that water as your cold water througout the summer.

He he he, saya tidak bisa membayangkan panasnya Middle East ketika musim panas tiba, sampai-sampai air dingin didalam tangki bisa berubah jadi air panas. Dari pengalaman hubby, biarpun pemanas air dimatikan, campuran air dari kedua tangki, tetap saja terlalu panas untuk dipakai mandi. Jadi, bisanya beberapa jam sebelum saat mandi, bathtub diisi air. Kalo sudah mendingin, tinggal dicampur dg air panas dari cold water tank (yang sudah berubah jadi hot water tank).

Kuwait was heavily mined, mostly in defined areas, during the Gulf War. Deminers have been in since and cleared most of them but sometimes you'll read of an unfortunate shepherd being blown up near Wafra.

Areas that are well used by people and animals area considered to be 100% clear. However, in less used areas, particularly north of the city and along the coast, there is a small chance of finding unexploded ordinance or mines.

Halah banget nggak sih itu. Bagaimana saya tidak deg-degan setiap saat, lha wong hubby kalo kerja di daerah2 north situ, yang memang berbatasan dengan Iraq.

Teringat jaman dulu waktu saya juga masih ke field, kalau tidak bisa menemukan oil well yang dicari, biasanya trus potong-potong jalan, off-road, cari shortcut. Blusukan lah istilahnya. Pernah nih, mobil teman satu ini, karena cari shortcut ke lokasi, trus offroad membabi buta, akhirnya mengirim panggilan SOS minta ditarik mobilnya dari kubangan lumpur. Lha kalau disini mau blusukan bgitu? Bisa-bisa pulang tinggal nama...

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