Monday, May 28, 2007
Floppy, our puppy...
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Saya lagi suwunk (yang gak bisa basa Jawa, ini artinya: empty...). Counting down menunggu kekasih saya pulang, kok ya ndak sampai-sampai.
Tadi siang maem pempek sama Mbak Ade, 5 macam pempek tumplek-blek (campur-aduk, red.) jadi satu. Perut masih brasa kenyang, trus ngantuk didepan komputer karena ada angin sepoi-sepoi. Tapi mo tidur, jelas ndak bisa... lha kalo ditinggal tidur, para bandit kecil ini mo dikemanakan...?
Ini questionaire nyuplik dari Liya. Makasih ya, Liy... Lumayan merintang-rintang waktu.
The song you've been most singing to yourself recently?
> Iwan Fals' -keterusan dengerin CD sambil nyetir
What do you currently want right now?
> lying down on my King-size bed, with my husband by my side...
What did you do today?
> maen di Gramedia Sudirman trus maem pempek di Jl.Palagan sama Abang dan Mb Ade
Are you hungry? What would you like?
> definitely kekenyangan sesudah serombongan pempek yang terdiri dari 5 kawanan berimigrasi ke perut.
What have you been thinking about most today?
> I got so many pending things to be done. Remind me on how unorganized person I am.
Do you ever just sit outside and watch the stars?
> One of my favourite thing on my spare time.
Do you do a lot of surveys? Why?
> survey ttg apa kedoyanan my kiddos. Survey ttg kealergian mereka. Survey harga dan kelayakan sebuiah oven listrik yang begitu saya impi-impikan. Survey ttg salon kecantikan yang mumpuni...(hiihhhaahhh...).
Why? definitely bukan karena saya bercita-cita jadi pegawai Badan Pusat Statistik.
What is your current annoyance?
> no time to repotting my orchids...
Do you want a new cell phone?
> nope
Are you waiting for someone right now?
> iya banged
What time are you going to bed?
> 21:00 WIB
Name one thing you're looking forward on this week?
> Andrea Hirata's books
Are you planning on visiting some old friends?
>not really sure...
Can you make new friends easily?
>sometimes... depends on the mood.
What would you do if your best friend turned gay?
>Wewin a gay? wakakakak....... I'l be laughed to die...
Do you plan out what you wear the day before you wear it?
> halah.... boro-boro buat memplanning busana sehari sebelumnya... lha kadang mo pergi aja masih sempat bengong di dpn lemari, bingung mo pake baju yang mana.
Has anyone ever told you "You dropped your pocket", and you looked down looking for it?
>pasti itu...
What is music to you?
>something relaxing my mind...
Have you ever fell for your best friend?
>jaman sekolah dulu
If you had a chance to save someone significant to you, would you? [even if its the same result that, they'll forget you].
>never had that kind of situation, but I think I would.
How many times do you eat each day?
>most of the time 3 times a day, ramadhan is an exemption
How do you cheer someone up?
>by telling some jokes, it works for some of my friend.
By hugging and telling stories, it works for my sons.
Is it easier for you to fall asleep or to be woken up?
>Before schlumberger, it was easier to be woken up than fall a sleep.
Have you ever had breakfast in bed?
>when I was hospitalized.
Are you a picky person?
>If i say to my self, I'm not at all
Think of one person, stick with it. You dont have to say their name. Would you pick them upstranded 100 plus miles away if it was your birthday?
> kagak ngerti maksudnya...
Has your best friend ever hurt your feelings?
>haiya pernah lah... Tapi juga namanya best friend, selalu ada maaf dan tidak pernah ada dendam. Aamiin..
Seriously. Do you know how to dance?
>Ndak, walopun ibu saya dulu penari...
Do you think its funny when people get hurt?
>Jelas tidak dunk
Who makes you laugh the most?
> My kiddos, they light-up my life...and my husband...